
How to Make Your Own Organic Compost

Many budding gardeners think of making organic compost as complex and difficult, a process that’s set apart for those with years of experience. Not so! If you use the right ingredients and get just a small shove in the right direction, all that’s left is letting nature do its job. 


The Ingredients of organic compost

A compost heap looks like a big black/brown mess – it’s difficult to figure out what was once there. However, once you get the hang of it, you’ll instantly know what’s suitable and what isn’t. This is a rough guideline for what you should be looking for:

  • Anything that was once a living a thing will compost. However, that doesn’t mean you should use them all. For example, anything that will attract vermin should be avoided. This includes dairy products and meats.
  • Mixtures always work best. Don’t overload your compost with one type of ingredient over another. Get an equal percentage of greens and browns in there and you should be golden. Over time, experience will teach you the exact combination that will work for you.
  • Use ingredients that rot very quickly, as these can get your compost up and running before you know it. Make sure you combine them with other items, however; otherwise your compost will not get the results you need (i.e. you’ll get a smelly mess!). Look for things like weeds and grass.
  • Older plants that are a bit tougher will give your compost the body and framework it needs. They will rot more slowly and combine well with the activators mentioned above.
  • Finally, you need the right amount of water. Without it, your compost heap will not develop appropriately.

Where to Keep the Compost Pile?

We usually recommend building or buying your own bin. While it’s possible to simply have a pile that’s covered y cardboard or polythene, it doesn’t look very neat!

When buying or building your own, look for the following:

  • Easy to access
  • No gaps
  • Cover or lid should be included


Place your win in a sunny location, right on top of the soil. Remember to keep it away from water lines!

When To Do It

We recommend making your compost heap during the spring, as the organic materials will rot down much more quickly. It’s possible to do it any time of year, however, so don’t let a given season get in your way!

Why Compost In the First Place?

If you’re not yet convinced by the advantages of composting, then they probably haven’t been presented to you properly. Once you fully grasp the benefits, you’ll never go back:

  • Improves soil quality, retaining moisture and keeps disease at bay
  • You won’t need horrible chemicals to help your soil, instead you’ll rely on the power of nature
  • Lowers your carbon footprint by minimising methane emissions

Need More Help?

There are plenty of resources that can help you build your own compost heap, but if you’ve never done it before it’s worth getting advice from the professionals or someone who has done it before.


It’s best to be guided, but not having your hand held the entire way. This ensures you learn to do it by yourself, but get the tips you need at the right junctures.